Introduction to The Masterson Method

Welcome to the Masterson Method Training Program!

In this opening video, Jim will introduce you to The Masterson Method and the three key junctions in the horse's body that most affect performance. These are:

  • The Poll-Atlas Junction
  • The Neck-Shoulder-Withers Junction
  • The Hind End Junction

When tension is released in any of these key junctions, tension is released in the muscles and connective tissue around that junction, and in other areas of the body. Tension, pain, or discomfort anywhere in the body, always shows up in the poll. The other two junctions are where the horse’s limbs join the body. In these junctions, the forces and impact from the horse's movements are passed into the body. This causes tension to build up in these joints.

It’s important to remember that you release tension in these junctions because it has been shown by the horse that it works.

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Jim Masterson2 Videos 12m 30s