The Bladder Meridian

The goal of the technique shown in the session is to bypass the horse’s brace response and connect directly with the part of the nervous system that holds and releases tension. It allows you to “read” your horse and your horse to “read” you, putting you both on the same page, so to speak, and giving you both a chance to relax. 

Simple yet powerful, the Bladder Meridian technique establishes the basis of communication between you and your horse through touch and response (SRSR which you learned in the first video). 

Technique in more detail:

  1. Start on the left side, standing next to your horse’s head.
  2. Place your fingertips on the poll, just behind the left ear.
  3. Using light pressure, slowly run your hand down the bladder meridian (you can rewatch the video if you’re unsure)
  4. As you move your hand slowly down the meridian, watch closely for subtle signs or responses from your horse (remember these responses from the previous lesson)
  5. When your horse shows a response, keep your fingers lightly on the spot. Keep the pressure light and wait for a release - this may take a second or a minute. Breathe and relax!
  6. When you get a release, wait until the horse has finished before continuing along the meridian. 
  7. When you’ve finished the left side, repeat on the right.

If, when raising your hand toward the poll your horse shies or pulls his head away, you can do one of two things: 

  1. Start the Bladder Meridian farther down the neck, or wherever the horse is comfortable, or
  2. Slowly back your hand away until the horse’s eyes soften or he relaxes his head down, and start the Bladder Meridian process with your hand at that distance. You don't have to be touching the horse to do this. You only need to keep his awareness to the area of tension until his body starts to release it. 

If you practiced nothing else but this technique on your horse regularly, it would make a noticeable difference in your horse’s performance and behavior. The technique may seem ‘low energy’ but is effective in releasing tension in the horse’s key junctions.

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Lateral Cervical Flexion

Jim Masterson2 Videos 12m 41s